Gastro Support
GASTRO SUPPORT es un producto que sirve como un excelente aliado para los que sufrimos de la molestias causadas por la Gastritis y todos sus odiados síntomas, como agruras, acides estomacal, hinchazón del vientre, estreñimiento, ardor en el estomago y mas malestares que resultan sumamente molestos, gracias a sus ingredientes como la Papaya, Encimas, Lactobacilos y mas.... GASTRO SUPPORT es un super aliado para ayudar a alcalinizar el sistema digestivo.
GASTRO SUPPORT is a product that works as an excellent ally for those of us who suffer from the discomfort caused by Gastritis and all its hated symptoms, such as heartburn, heartburn, bloating of the belly, constipation, burning in the stomach and more discomforts that are extremely annoying, thanks to its ingredients such as Papaya, Enzymes, Lactobacilli and more .... GASTRO SUPPORT is a super ally to help alkalize the digestive system.